Your daughter’s or son’s wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. Willows Dental have looked after countless parents of the happy couple. Here are our most popular treatments for parents of the brides.
1. Diamond polish
Chances are these days in the world of smart phones, you’ll be photographed more on their wedding day than you were at your own. We find that flash photography and high definition cameras have a tendency to bring out the best and worst in your smile. A diamond polish can really bring out the sparkle in your smile and is carried by our team of wonderful gentle hygienists.
2. Boutique whitening
We do a lot of whitening, especially on the run up to wedding season. You don’t have to have glow in the dark teeth if you don’t want, our natural result whitening products really get rid of all the discolouration that’s built up over the last few years and give you that confidence to smiles and enjoy one of the happiest days of your life.
3. Tooth coloured fillings and crowns
We all have our best sides to be photographed from, don’t we? That tooth that has gone a bit dark, the one that shows when you smile from a certain angle? We can change that. We can make it look brand new. So when that photographer snaps away and catches you laughing on camera, you won’t find yourself wincing at the photographs on Facebook the next day.
4. Implants
There are many reasons to replace that missing tooth, whether it’s in your smile line or so you can eat effectively and not have to pick the food out of the gap. Implants at Willows Dental are comfortable, simple and the best solution we have to replace natural teeth.
5. Teeth straightening
We can straighten teeth in as little as four months. Things such as that tooth, the one that has been in-standing for as long as you can remember. The ones that looks like it’s not there in certain angles of photos is easily corrected. Teeth straightening is the one of the healthiest ways to get that smile you’ve always wanted. Why not call us and lets see what we can achieve together?
6. Veneers
We are one of the leading practices in the West Midlands for smile makeovers. Using veneers we can change not only the colour but the shape and position of your teeth. Of course in the true Willows way, everything is all inclusive, including temporary veneers whilst your real ones are being made by our world class technicians.
7. Fine line reduction
In the run up to wedding season we see a huge increase in clients coming in for Botox. We are discreet, highly qualified and deliver fantastic results. We use only the best and safest products. We know it can be stressful in the run up to the big day however with Botox you can say goodbye to those little lines you’ve collected along the way.
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